How much you can afford?

Loan Amount ($)
Interest Rate (%)
Length of Loan (Yrs)



Contact us to get started.

We will provide you with free credit and income analysis, and advise you how to prepare for the purchase.
We will explain what documentation is required to effectively start the process.

GRU Financial Corp.

1410 Higgins Rd. Suite 103 • Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: (847) 292-0011 • Fax: (847) 292-0022
Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee MB.6760249 NMLS: 189514

Greg Uszko

(President/Loan Officer)

NMLS: 193229

Phone: (847) 292-0011

Cell: (708) 508-1774

Email: [email protected]

Katarzyna Kornecka

(Loan Officer)

NMLS: 225540

Phone: (847)292-0011

Cell: (773) 787-6743

Email: [email protected]

Kate Slifierz

(Loan Officer)

NMLS: 217609

Phone: (847)292-0011

Cell: (773) 575 9657

Email: [email protected]

Zofia Swierczak

(Loan Officer)

NMLS: 282358

Phone: (847) 292-0011

Cell: (773) 805-8600

Email: [email protected]

Gerard Scheffler

(Loan Officer)

NMLS: 219524

Phone: (847) 292-0011

Cell: (773) 909-3346

Email: [email protected]

Robert Grabczynski

(Financial Loan Consultant)

NMLS: 1078650

Phone: (847) 292-0011

Cell: (708) 228-3309

Email: [email protected]

Danna Kostrubiec

(Loan Processor, Office Coordinator)


Phone: (847) 292-0011

Cell: (773) 805-5585

Email: [email protected]

Follow us:

GRU Financial Corp.

1410 Higgins Rd. Suite 103 • Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: (847) 292-0011 • Fax: (847) 292-0022
Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee MB.6760249 NMLS: 189514

GRU Financial Corp. Member of NAMB and IAMP. Equal Housing Lender. Tools and calculators serve as a courtesy to help you estimate your mortgage needs. Results shown are estimates only.

All home lending products are subject to credit and property approval. Rates, program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Restrictions and limitations apply. Results of the mortgage affordability are estimates; the estimate is not an application for credit and results do not guarantee loan approval or denial.